Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Double Digits

I'm curious about something.  Does it make you old, when your children get older?

Mallory turns 10 today, WOOT!

Video montage honoring a couple years of Mallory...

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

♥ G

Saturday, January 7, 2012

BS & Movin' On Up

So, let's just say that 2011 did  not end up in a stellar way.  We were told back in the spring, that the Navy would be making cuts.  You know, the economy being what it is right now AND with a presidential election coming up, the military was bound to get hit.  However, they kept moving the date as to when it was announced who was getting the boot.  First it was July.  Then it was August.  Then it was October.

But finally, on November 14th, I got the phone call from hubby.  "I didn't make the cut."

To quote my favorite Scott Bakula (duh, Quantum Leap folks!), "Oh, Boy."

Can I just say how much this SUCKED?!  Of course, I can, because this is MY blog and I'll cry if I want to.  But seriously, this SERIOUSLY sucked.  Here I am, grappling with this news that after 12 years of pretty good service, my husband was getting kicked to the curb because his number was seemingly-random picked.  We needed to act fast, lay out a plan so we could ready ourselves for the scary outside world.  Add in the fact that we are living IN Italy when this news comes out and you have stress-overload GALORE.

So we started hitting the internet streets, trying to find a job, a house, and a little peace of mind.  And it hit us.  *cue angels singing*  We realized that the best investment into our future would be to enter the American Dream: home ownership.

Now, let me tell you, buying a home over the internet is NOT for the faint of heart.  But since we had limited funds, we couldn't stomach the idea of spending over a grand sending one of us over there to "house hunt", especially with Christmas looming.  So we recruited some family members to help us do the ground pounding for us.


I think for Robert it was love at first sight.  So we had our people check it out, to make sure it was the real deal.  And it was.

Fast forward to December 24th, and many phone calls with a mortgage company to make sure it really could be the home of our dreams, we put in an offer at 2:30 am (stupid time difference).  And it was accepted by the seller 2 days after.


Now, for the whole thing to be complete, we are just waiting for the appraisal and the home inspections.  So we are a bit excited right now.  And we just hope that it doesn't come crashing down in the next few weeks.

The morale of this story is: Once you shovel up all the bullsh*t, you may find some daisies.

♥ G

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let Me Apologize

First off, I started this blog to help me sort out some of my thoughts.  I could even classify it as diary, although there is no lock and key, and I'm not concerned with whomever reads it.  There are no deep dark secrets in here.

But mostly I started it to complain.

Complain about what? you might ask.  Well pretty much everything.

I obviously can't complain about things in my life (even if they are trite complaints, and not REAL complaints) on my personal Facebook page, because it warrants a BARRAGE of the "you-should-be-grateful" anecdotes and the "why-are-you-worried-about-little-things" comments.  I understand everyone has their opinion, and that they are entitled to it, but shouldn't it work the other way around.  I mean C'MON REALLY?  Do you think that I would post the weight of the world on a FB status update?  I know people do, but that's not my game.  And let me narrow it down, that it's not EVERYONE on my page that has to comment their "i'm-better-than-you-and-i-know-more-than-you" smarmy-ness...there are only handful of those people.

So delete them, you might say.

Well I would, but for a variety of reasons I can' the moment.  One is a "family" member, so if I do the whole of the earth will come crashing down on me with the feedback that would get me.  Another is in a position, that for the moment, could inevitably make our life hell (I won't divulge into that any more right now, I'll save that tidbit for a little later).  Also, I don't want to be THAT person, that goes through their list periodically and starts giving people the axe, because I like to think that I'm a nice person.  Ok, maybe I only comment/like/KNOW about 60% of my list, but I obviously would like to know them better or they wouldn't be my "friend" on Facebook.  I mean, you can't delete friends in real life, and if you could, that just seems rather painful for both parties involved.  (I see a divorce settlement down the line where the argument would end up being who deleted who first on FB, seriously)

Wait, I'm re-thinking this whole complaint.  Here I am complaining about someone else complaining about my original complaint.  I guess I can't really be mad at someone for complaining when I am also complaining.

I just want everyone to think before they comment on someone else's whiny status.  Like if I say:

I don't need you to add how I should be grateful that at least I had oatmeal this morning.  Or that I even woke up this morning.  Or how the government had it's hand in making my oatmeal cold this morning.  And I don't really think my life sucks, because of cold oatmeal - although cold oatmeal is pretty sucky!

I just needed to vent.  So let me complain on my status, and I'll let you complain on your status.  I'll even throw a couple of "lol"s ":)" and a "hope ur day gets better!" for good measure on your's.  Because I'm good like that.

♥ G

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

One thing you have to give to the Italians is they really know how to party.  Right at midnight, all along the coast of Scauri, Formia, and Gaeta, you can see these beautiful fireworks light up the sea and the night sky.

And the best thing, is you can light up your own fireworks right off your own balcony!

This picture was taken sitting inside my bedroom window, how cool is that?!

Anyway, Buon Anno/Happy New Year everyone!

♥ G